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Commissioning the Australian Parliaments both State And Federal to overhaul laws to encourage that value Jesus principles needs the drive from all of us.

The main focus at this stage is encouraging lasting man/woman marriage; the birth of all unborn children, the reproductive power of our youth; & our aged and their experiences as directed by Biblical principles . 

Whether we have money or not, most of us have skills that can make this happen. For instance:

  • talk about the issues with family and friends
  • fill out any submissions petitions and send them
  • copy and distribute the submission forms for others to send in
  • lobby your local members with the the submission forms and any other material you may have, do it with like minded people
  • Print up the relevant banners and get involved with rallies that are advertised.
  • Become part of a think tank using the Bible as our guide.
  • Contact us on the home page if you have special skills such as web building, accountancy, contacts, musical talent, speaking talents, organisational talent, printing, delivery, distribution, artistry, lateral thinking, biblical understanding governance skills, research skills and the list goes on. We the body of Christ have been gifted with many talents. I pray that these will be needed in the future.

Most organisations request donations, but many people are either too poor to donate or are skeptical. As can be seen, this Commission is being done using minimum cost as it is the message of Jesus Leadership through His word, that is important.

Your God given skills are most important but if you feel like that skill is to give financially then a donation button will be included as we do have expenses that will increase. In the mean time if you wish to donate the account is Michael Kirkwood no. 108643374 bsb 112879. please call it Freedom in Jesus leading Love. (WE WILL INTRODUCE THE DONATE BUTTON AS SOON AS POSSIBLE)

Please Note, that we are working to the best of our abilities in Him. And would like to think that you understand that Freedom in Jesus Leading Love means your freedom and freedom for everyone. This occurs for whoever accepts that when God split the curtain that separated the people from the holy sanctuary as Jesus was Crucified, Jesus was telling us that believing in Him was the only leadership you require. You are Free in His Leading Love.

Jesus is the word made flesh, so the Bible, God's word, is

His leadership Manual for us personally and as groups.

Nothing else works.

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